当超声波频率为 32.5 kHz,探头距超声波发射面为47 mm 时,超声波随粒径为0.18~0.28mm 的聚乙烯塑料模拟夹杂物的浓度变化的实验结果如图5 所示。从图中可以看出,超声波的相对声压随着颗粒浓度的增加而减小;而且当夹杂物浓度变化时,超声波相对声压在夹杂物粒径相同的情况下随着浓度的变化可能是非线性的。在超声波频率为 32.5 kHz,探头距超声波发射面为79 mm 的实验条件下,当夹杂物浓度(重量比)为0.031%时夹杂物粒径的变化而引起的超声波强度变动的实验数据如图6 所示。从图中可以看出,相同夹杂物浓度的情况下,超声波声压随着粒径的增大而减小。另外,因夹杂物浓度过小,超声波波形并无明显的变化,这与前面实验一的结果有明显的差别。
3. 结论
(1) 溶液中存在夹杂物时,超声波的强度都减小,波形也发生较大变化。当溶液中存在相同浓度、相同粒径的不同夹杂物时,超声波的衰减程度不同。
(2) 粒径相同的情况下,超声波的强度随着夹杂物浓度的增加呈非线性减小;浓度相同时,超声波声压随着夹杂物粒径的增大而减小,而且超声波对夹杂物浓度和粒径的变化反应灵敏。
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2. Zhe Jiang Wan Feng Motorcycle Wheel Co.Ltd, Xinchang, Zhejiang (312500)
The possibility of using ultrasonic waves to in-situ detect the inclusions in liquid metals is researchedby a water model. The effects of inclusions with different properties on ultrasonic waves propagatingthrough water are examinedand compared. It is found that the intensity of ultrasonic waves decreasedand the wave pattern also changed obviously when there were inclusions in the solution. Furthermore,the changes mentioned above for different inclusions were not similar. The influences of concentrationsand particle sizes of inclusions on the diffusing of waves are also studied. The detected pressure of theultrasonic waves became smaller with the increasing of the inclusion concentration and particle sizes,and the fluctuations of the waves were sensitive to the changes of the above two factors. From theexperiment results, it can be concluded that acoustic waves can be used to detect the inclusions inliquid metal directly.
Keywords: application acoustics;ultrasonic detection; electromagnetic acoustic waves; cleanness ofmetal; inclusion; refining processes